Welcome to SouthAsia Research & Corporate Advisory Ltd.

Capital Raising & Refinancing


Every business will experience at least one period of limited working capital.

Advisory Team of SRCA succeeds in quickly finding appropriate growth capital financing solutions that limit ownership dilution for our clients. We use a proven methodology in order to raise capital and negotiate financing terms that satisfy both our clients and financial institutions.

SRCA Advisers raise both debt and equity on behalf of our clients. Our ultimate objective is to ensure that our clients don’t give up control of their business to outside investors in order to support growth. We help our clients transform their business to high growth enterprises with high multiple valuations. We are repeatedly selected by our clients to work for them again, because they trust that our insight and value for raising capital, and corporate financial consulting differentiate us from our competition.

  • Strong Relationships
  • Repeat Clients
  • Deal Negotiation
SRCA's core capital raising and refinancing services include project finance, Pre-IPO Advisory, identification of potential investors, creating comprehensive business plans and securing institutional capital for corporate debt refinancing, acquisition financing, management buyouts, growth and liquidity.
Our team is made of former project finance bankers and experienced infrastructure, energy, textiles, garments, agriculture finance professionals with a deep understanding of the challenges related to raising limited recourse project financing in the sectors and markets in which we are active.

We raise capital and Equity. SRCA is a Corporate Financial Consulting Firm that raises capital for growing companies.

As a corporate financial advisor to growing businesses, SRCA provides capital raising services for our clients, regardless of whether it is debt or equity.  SRCA performs all work, whether raising capital, advising a company on corporate strategy, or writing a business plan regardless of the value of the capital raise or the size of the company.

The Top Management of SRCA has vast experience in money market and capital for raising fund and is doing  companies for 18 over  years and have been successfully been raising growth capital for our clients, regardless whether we are refinancing a company debt (taking out a current senior lender), sourcing new company debt for growth capital, or finding equity.

Our expert advisers help growing entrepreneurial companies raise capital. Our capital raising services provide clients access to capital using our own unique consulting approach that gets consistent results, offers true objectivity, and is a fraction of the cost of investment banks and brokers that raise capital.

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    Three Phases of Raising Capital For Our Clients

    We start each engagement by meeting with the client and understanding their business and strategies.  Once we have done that, we immediately create a financial plan.  Once we have created that plan, and it is reviewed by the client, we share the plan on a ‘no-names’ basis with a few financial institutions, we believe will likely want to fund our client’s business.  Our goal is to identify interested institutions very early in the process (ideally in the first couple of weeks). By doing so, we are able to quickly and cost effectively demonstrate to our client that we can deliver them interested funding sources.

    Our goal is to have our clients financing need in front of interested funding sources at an engagement cost that is less than half the upfront retainer charged by most investment bankers and capital brokers.

    Once we have successfully completed the financial strategy and planning phase, we then (with our client’s permission) access the capital markets in a systematic and effective way. To do that, we finalize a company business plan, then distribute that business plan to not only those firms that expressed interest earlier in our process, but many others as well. By doing it this way, we enable our clients to ‘play the numbers’ and create competition for funding which can save them millions in financing costs.

    This approach, which is completely unique to SRCA  Advisors has worked consistently well. Since implementing this process a few years ago, we have delivered financing offers each time we have accessed the capital markets.

    After funding is complete, we also look to help our clients achieve their ultimate goals.   With their permission, we help them further use ‘finance’ not only to fund their initiatives but to also make better decisions, and adjust their plans as their business and markets change.

    By combining a simple, fee-only approach to raise capital with our proven consulting process, we are able to consistently help clients raise capital with a level of quality and cost that is unmatched by other advisors.

    Private Capital Raising Process

    Collectively, our advisors have completed numerous debt and equity financing transactions and have combined the lessons learned from these experiences and our active network of financing sources into a differentiated process designed to achieve cost effective capital solutions. Our process consistently produces successful transactions, superior transaction terms and conditions, and very satisfied clients.

    Key elements of this process include:

    • Conducting a preliminary discussion regarding valuation expectations, optimal timing, process strategy and goals
    • Performing detailed, up-front due diligence to fully develop an investment thesis while maximizing our ability to position the company most positively in the marketplace and minimizing the likelihood of negative surprises during later investor due diligence
    • Preparing an offering memorandum supporting the investment thesis with the requisite facts and data
    • Determining the most appropriate group of potential investors, whether financial and/or strategic
    • Confidentially marketing the business to potential investors
    • Providing objective advice regarding available opportunities
    • Negotiating the term sheet
    • Facilitating and monitoring investor due diligence
    • Assisting in the negotiation of a formal definitive agreement and closing the transaction
    • Project finance

    SRCA Expert

    Debobrota K. Sarker



    Debobrota Kumar Sarker